Relentless Revolutionary

12 November marks the day that Sun Yat-Sen was born in the south of the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong province, China, in 1866. His steadfast determination to modernize China and free it from dynastic and warlord rule earned …


6 October marks the birthday of John Y.F. Blake. Blake was born in Missouri, raised on the cattle ranches of Texas, and graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1880. He was …

Go East Young Man

It was in early September 1920, that a historic conference took place in Baku, Azerbaijan. The aim was to inspire a revolutionary consciousness among the people of former Tsarist Republics and beyond, many of whom …

The Flying Column

It was on this day in 1897 that one of the most famous names in the fight for Irish Independence was born, Tom Barry. A veteran of service in the British Army in the First …

Nothing is Written

It was on 15 May, 1961, that principle photography on the motion picture ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ began.  Lawrence of Arabia was nominated for ten Oscars at the 35th Academy Awards in 1963; it won seven …