Central Committee

The primary responsibility of the Central Committee is to finalize the agenda for each Congress meeting. Congressional agendas are released in the last week of the month prior to it being held, for instance, the September meeting agenda will be released in the last week of August. Members of the Central Committee can expect to meet at least once a month for this purpose.  It is also not unusual for campus Administration leadership to request to meet with a single representative of the shared governance groups, which in the case of University Staff, it would fall to the Chair of the Central Committee.


Terry Fritter (Chair) – tfritter@wiscmail.wisc.edu

Rebecca Forbes Wank – rebecca.forbes.wank@wisc.edu

Karen Demick – karen.demick@wisc.edu

Sara Frey – sarafrey@wisc.edu

Tom Paul Brown – thomas.brownjr@wisc.edu