
The question is often asked, “What is Shared Governance?”

Rich GassenShared governance attempts to combine maximum participation in decision making with clear accountability. It is this process that gives voice to concerns common to all constituencies as well as issues unique to specific groups. All university staff employees are encouraged to participate in shared governance in order to help our institution make major decisions through a process that is inclusive.

Participating in shared governance takes many forms. In addition to the University Staff Congress, there are a number of campus advisory, standing, and ad hoc committees as well as work groups which include university staff. There are search and screen committees used to examine the applications for position vacancies, and these also include representatives of the university staff. New initiatives and policy changes may be presented to university staff through the use of in person briefing sessions and forums. This, too, is part of shared governance. At each level university staff is encouraged to take part in these important endeavors. The University has committed to working with employees to adjust schedules so that everyone will be able to participate in shared governance business within their scheduled work hours.