Dr. Frank Emspak spoke before a diverse audience of University Staff, students and others as they gathered in Room 272 Bascom Hall to learn more about the history, meaning, and lessons of Labor Day and the Labor movement in America and the world. Those assembled also had the opportunity to hear from Dr. Joel Margolis, the benefactor who provided an endowment making possible the Elizabeth S. Pringle Award. The Award itself was presented by Molly McGinty, Chair of the Awards selection Committee to Jenniffer Priebe, a University Services Associate 2 in the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences. The event was co-sponsored by the Campus Workers Collective who provided information on Sacco and Vanzetti, whose historical event falls in the final week of August, near Labor Day. A souvenir card of was also distributed that provided a poem by Mike Quinn about the West Coast Waterfront Strike of 1934. Terry Fritter, Chair of the University Staff Central Committee, reminded the audience that a book by Quin, ‘The Big Strike’ is available in the campus library, accessible to University Staff by use of their WiscID card.