On 30 May, University Staff on both day and evening shifts, gathered for the first time, under the sponsorship of the Office of the Secretary, to celebrate Africa Liberation Day. This event to celebrate African culture and heritage was emceed by Associate Vice Chancellor for Human Resources, Mr. Wayne Guthrie, who offered welcoming remarks to the audience and introduced former Madison Poet Laureate, Fabu Phillips Carter. Ms. Carter read two poems about Africa much to the delight of those gathered.
Many participants remarked positively on the placards picturing the historic leaders of African liberation movements and several stopped to have their own pictures made alongside the placards which were printed here on campus by Digital Printing and Publishing.
The event was made extra special as it coincided with the birthday of Poet Fabu. University Staff provided a cake to honor her and she remarked how much she enjoyed the event honoring Africa, herself having lived in the nation of Kenya for five years.
Many employees of African descent, including recent immigrants from as far away as Cameroon and Sudan, were pleased that University Staff Shared Governance had taken the time to share a bit of their history and culture with the rest of the campus. The day time event in particular was attended by a number elected members of the University Staff Congress.