Happy Days

15 January marks the debut of the television series, ‘HAPPY DAYS’ in 1974, which would remain on the air for 10 years.

The program centered on the life and love of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, high school student, Richie Cunningham. Richie (played by Ron Howard) was frequently joined by his pals, Ralph Malph and Warren ‘Potsie’ Weber, as well as sometime rival, later friend, high school dropout Arthur ‘Fonzie’ Fonzerelli.

Most of the action on the show took place in the living room of the middle class Cunningham home, or in the booths at ‘Al’s Drive-In’, a short order restaurant patterned after the frozen custard stands of Milwaukee.

The fictitious ‘Jefferson High School’ of the show had it’s exteriors modeled after Milwaukee’s Washington High School. In the bedroom of the Richie Cunningham character, viewers could see pennants for Jefferson High School next to another for University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee.

Below is the opening title sequence for the program.