Phillip Thornton, custodial supervisor, brings new meaning to the term, ‘Campus Veteran’. Phillip is a veteran in numerous ways. First and foremost, he is a veteran in the traditional sense of the word. Drafted into the US Army in 1968, he did a tour of service in Vietnam. At that time he was already a veteran of campus employment, having worked as a student employee for the SE dorms and Gordon Common.
He is a veteran of the academic life as well, earning a BA in History in 1976, and a BA in Anthropology in 1978.
Phillip is also a veteran volunteer, donating his weekends and even some of his vacation time, to a number of causes, including the State Employees Combined Campaign, the Madison Area Friends of NRA annual banquet, and the Wisconsin Deer and Turkey Classic.
Phillip uses his talents in a special way, he makes his own jewelry pieces, which he donates to raise funds for community causes.
Phillip is a custodial supervisor at University Health Service and another excellent example of the diverse make up of University Staff that not only cares of the campus, but for the community as well.