From the Zoo to the U


Many people find themselves busier after they retire than they were when they were working full time. They become involved in all sorts of useful activities that help build a strong and vibrant community. Members of the UW-Madison University Staff don’t wait until retirement; they are active when working a full time job. Take Payroll and Benefit Specialist Jean Stover for example. Jean pitches in at the Henry Vilas Zoo doing everything from running the carousel to acting as a cashier. You can also find her on State Street on Saturday afternoon, directing newcomers from her post at the Visitors Booth and also giving tours to potential UW Freshman Students. If we had more space we would tell you about some of the other activities Jean has been involved in over the years, but suffice to say, University Staff is made up of the type of folks who don’t need to wait for retirement to get active, they become the pillars of the community even while holding down a full time job.