There is a lot of pride at UW-Madison, and the spirit of the student body is often on display at sporting events, where the Badgers frequently reign triumphant over their rivals. Maybe you didn’t know …
Celebrating Black History
In declaring Black History Month in 1976, President Gerald Ford urged Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.” University Staff …
One Man Revolution
14 January marks that day that Ammon Hennacy died in 1970. Ammon Hennacy was an Irish-American, Christian Anarchist Pacifist activist. He was born into a Quaker family in Ohio, and attended the UW-Madison in 1914. …
The Great Outdoors
13 January marks the day that Sigurd Olson died in 1982. Sigurd Olson was an American author and environmentalist. Born to Swedish, Baptist parents, Olson grew up in northern Wisconsin where he developed his lifelong …
University Staff Keeps Campus Safe
Safety and security are primary daily concerns on the campus. Not only for students, but for staff, visitors and the community at large. University Staff plays an integral role in this priority through their positions in the UW-Madison PD. …
Over a Barrel
Associated Students of Madison have opened a food pantry to serve those students suffering from food insecurity. It will take a campus-wide effort to make sure that the pantry is fully stocked. University Staff is …
The December HR Design Info Sessions are underway and as can be seen from these photos is getting a great response! University Staff is encouraged to take part in this interactive format in the upcoming …
November Congress Meeting
On 16 November, the University Staff Congress assembled for their regular monthly meeting. This meeting was particularly exciting due to the participation of Chancellor Blank, who took the time to share her thoughts on a …
Viva Mexico
The third Monday in November is celebrated as ‘Mexican Revolution Day’. To learn more about the Mexican Revolution read the book, ‘Insurgent Mexico’ by John Reed. University Staff can use their WiscID card to access campus …
University Staff Helps Bring it Together
The 2015 Campus Diversity Forum took place on 3 and 4 November and we are pleased to say that not only was the event a smashing success, but that University Staff played an important role. …