It was on 4 November, 2008, that Barack Obama became the first African American to be elected President of the United States. Prior to 2008, no major Party in the United States had even nominated …
We Are Your Sons
It was on 16 October, 1995, that the Million Man March arrived in the Nation’s Capital. The event was Chaired by Dr. Ben Chavis with the NAACP and the Nation of Islam being the key …
6 October marks the birthday of John Y.F. Blake. Blake was born in Missouri, raised on the cattle ranches of Texas, and graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point in 1880. He was …
On 1 October, 1910, the City of Los Angeles was rocked by a powerful explosion. When the smoke cleared, 21 persons were found dead in the wreckage of the building that housed the daily newspaper, ’The …
Who is Number One?
It was on 29 September in 1967 that an unusual television program made it’s debut. THE PRISONER was a program that concerned a member of the Intelligence Community who suddenly resigns, but wakes up to …
Mass Transit … Mass Movement
18 September marks the birthday of legendary Labor organizer, Mike Quill, in 1905. Quill was born in Ireland, where he became a volunteer of the Irish Republican Army in its struggle against Great Britain, and …
Go East Young Man
It was in early September 1920, that a historic conference took place in Baku, Azerbaijan. The aim was to inspire a revolutionary consciousness among the people of former Tsarist Republics and beyond, many of whom …
Pine Tar
On 24 July, 1983, baseball fans were treated to an unusual spectacle when the Kansas City Royals faced the New York Yankees. The Yankees manager was Billy Martin, famous for wearing Yankees number 1, and …
The Flying Column
It was on this day in 1897 that one of the most famous names in the fight for Irish Independence was born, Tom Barry. A veteran of service in the British Army in the First …
Spread It Around
It was on 24 June, 1965, that advocates of colored Oleo Margarine won a significant battle at the State Capitol. Oleo margarine was available to Wisconsin consumers, but in a pale white variety, so as …